From here to there, silly things are everywhere....
These last few weeks...well I guess it's months now...things have been absolutely crazy! Just a lot of changes in such a short amount of time.
In January, I saw this job posting while at work and just looked into it a little bit. I hadn't been looking for a job, but sometimes I just like looking at what is available. The job intrigued me and I thought, "Why not? If I don't get it, no biggy. If I do it will be a nice change and some great money to start saving a bit more seriously." Well when I looked a little closer I realized the job closed the very next day. But I still felt convinced that I needed to at least try. This required a lot of work in a very little amount of time. I had to update my resume, create a great cover letter, and provide work references. Most of these things aren't a big deal, but when you only have a few extra hours on hand it's quite crazy to do all of these things professionally in such a short amount of time. To top that off, I also had to complete an online application that took about 35 minutes (and it was all basically submitting my resume in a different way): very frustrating! Anyway I got the application and all necessary papers in 30 minutes before the job closed!
I had no idea when they were planning on interviewing or anything, but about a week later, I got a call from the University of Wyoming Foundation that they were very interested in meeting me at an interview for the job! I was ecstatic. And a little freaked out. I hadn't told any of my bosses that I had even looked an another job, let alone applied, and I wasn't sure how I would tell them if I got the job. We set up an interview for the following week. Gaaaaa. What kinds of questions are you supposed to ask at interview again?!?! It felt so long since the last real interview I had and I was quite nervous about it.
The day of the interview came and the interview itself went great! It sounded like a great job, with great benefits, and great people. I was worried that I wouldn't be considered though, because they wanted someone who could start right away and I told them I had obligations to nanny in the afternoons and that I wouldn't be able to start until mid May. They told me they would know by the next week and would give me a call.
Surprisingly enough, I got a call the very next day asking if I would be able to start part-time until I could work full-time in May!! It was the best news I'd heard all day. I said that I would be able to work all mornings until May and they said they were "unofficially" giving me the job until my new supervisor had returned from her vacation. I got a new job!! It was crazy!! The only explanation is that the Spirit lead me to read that job listing. Clearly I was either needed for this job, or I needed the job. I'm still not quite sure which one is the case, most-likely both.
I started the week after they officially offered me the job, which would make my first day February 9th. So far I love my job and the people I work with. A lot of things are new that I'm learning, but I love that I am learning new things. Most of the things I catch on fairly quickly, and the people I work with make it even better.
This isn't the only change that's happened in the last few month! Only a few weeks (or maybe even one week, I can't remember exactly) I started at my new job, Kevin and I found out that we were expecting! Kevin was absolutely thrilled that we were going to have a baby - almost more thrilled than I was! This came as a shock to me, but a very good shock. I hadn't expected this response and quite frankly neither did he. We've talked about it and apparently he was shocked at his own response. Either way we were completely excited, though I was a bit skeptical for a while. Last year we had two miscarriages and it completely crushed me, so I didn't want to get my hopes too high.
Two of my sisters got married within two weekends of each other and that was absolutely wonderful! Kevin was only able to go to Elizabeth's wedding since we knew about it beforehand, but I was luckily able to attend both. In between the trips and after them, I got my taste of morning sickness (which I think was also attributed to the bladder infection antibiotics that I was on). Other than those two-three weeks, I have been feeling great! Kevin has been able to make it to all doctor's appointments except one and it has been exciting for sure!
We will find out in exactly two weeks if we are having a boy or a girl and the closer we get to it the more excited I get. Initially I did not want to find out the gender until we had the baby, but I was willing to find out since Kevin thought it was better for us to find out ahead of time so we could start planning. I agreed (a little hesitantly) and now I cannot wait to find out. A month or so ago I randomly started referring to the baby as "he" even though there wasn't any particular reason to do so, and ever since then both Kevin and I have been kind of hoping for a boy. It wasn't a hope at first, just "oh it would be nice to have a boy first, I guess" but the more we talked about it the more we both wanted a boy. However, we would be absolutely ecstatic to have a girl first too! When we were engaged, both Kevin and I had dreams about a baby girl, so it definitely wouldn't surprise me if we have a girl first!
Anyway, onto more changes! Kevin quit his job at the Cathedral Home for Children and we have received immediate blessings ever since! It is so crazy how the Lord will bless you when you do what He wants. Kevin was not able to attend church and had asked to get Sundays off but was rejected. Not only was his job getting more stressful, but he was also getting more depressed because of work so not being able to go to church, and almost never being able to attend the temple because of his work schedule, made it incredibly hard. Now Kevin and I are actively involved in church every week and it is wonderful! We are now primary teachers and are loving it so far. Kevin and I have also been able to spend more time with each other, which has also been such a wonderful blessing. Regularly reading scriptures together and praying together, along with just getting to know each other better. I'm very grateful that we are able to take the time now while we're still the only ones in the house. ;)
Time to wrap up before this post gets too long! God is good and He is so willing and anxious to POUR BLESSINGS onto you! Just keep the faith, work hard, and trust in HIM.
This isn't the only change that's happened in the last few month! Only a few weeks (or maybe even one week, I can't remember exactly) I started at my new job, Kevin and I found out that we were expecting! Kevin was absolutely thrilled that we were going to have a baby - almost more thrilled than I was! This came as a shock to me, but a very good shock. I hadn't expected this response and quite frankly neither did he. We've talked about it and apparently he was shocked at his own response. Either way we were completely excited, though I was a bit skeptical for a while. Last year we had two miscarriages and it completely crushed me, so I didn't want to get my hopes too high.
Two of my sisters got married within two weekends of each other and that was absolutely wonderful! Kevin was only able to go to Elizabeth's wedding since we knew about it beforehand, but I was luckily able to attend both. In between the trips and after them, I got my taste of morning sickness (which I think was also attributed to the bladder infection antibiotics that I was on). Other than those two-three weeks, I have been feeling great! Kevin has been able to make it to all doctor's appointments except one and it has been exciting for sure!
We will find out in exactly two weeks if we are having a boy or a girl and the closer we get to it the more excited I get. Initially I did not want to find out the gender until we had the baby, but I was willing to find out since Kevin thought it was better for us to find out ahead of time so we could start planning. I agreed (a little hesitantly) and now I cannot wait to find out. A month or so ago I randomly started referring to the baby as "he" even though there wasn't any particular reason to do so, and ever since then both Kevin and I have been kind of hoping for a boy. It wasn't a hope at first, just "oh it would be nice to have a boy first, I guess" but the more we talked about it the more we both wanted a boy. However, we would be absolutely ecstatic to have a girl first too! When we were engaged, both Kevin and I had dreams about a baby girl, so it definitely wouldn't surprise me if we have a girl first!
Anyway, onto more changes! Kevin quit his job at the Cathedral Home for Children and we have received immediate blessings ever since! It is so crazy how the Lord will bless you when you do what He wants. Kevin was not able to attend church and had asked to get Sundays off but was rejected. Not only was his job getting more stressful, but he was also getting more depressed because of work so not being able to go to church, and almost never being able to attend the temple because of his work schedule, made it incredibly hard. Now Kevin and I are actively involved in church every week and it is wonderful! We are now primary teachers and are loving it so far. Kevin and I have also been able to spend more time with each other, which has also been such a wonderful blessing. Regularly reading scriptures together and praying together, along with just getting to know each other better. I'm very grateful that we are able to take the time now while we're still the only ones in the house. ;)
Time to wrap up before this post gets too long! God is good and He is so willing and anxious to POUR BLESSINGS onto you! Just keep the faith, work hard, and trust in HIM.