The past month and a half Kevin and I have experienced some of the most difficult hardships and trials but it has also been some of the most enriching experiences at the same time. Just a few weeks into the month Kevin was told he would not be able to sign up for classes this spring. What a bummer it was to hear that! We had waited last fall for Kevin to enroll in classes this spring, and had even turned down a full-time job because of it! LCCC was working so well with him until they put him in a position that led to him being unable to sign up for classes. I knew it could only mean one thing: the Lord's hand was very definitely involved in this and college this semester was not what Kevin needed to be doing. Although Kevin has been working a part-time job it's back to searching for a full-time job! (what fun…)
Shortly after this "bad" news, we found out we were expecting! How exciting! I have never been so excited in my entire life. In fact, just thinking about it made me over-zealous for this little one to enter our home. I started looking into bigger apartments, baby clothes, the whole works. It was so hard for me not to just shout out to the world that I was going to bring a little baby into this world! We were excited to say the least. Wherever I was, whether it be in class, at work, or with friends, I was always relating our conversations to the future and to babies (in my head, of course. I didn't want anyone to catch on!) ;) Unfortunately this excitement would not last long. Only after a few weeks of knowing we were pregnant I started having excruciating cramps and the next day lost the baby that had brought me so much excitement and anticipation for the future. I was heartbroken and felt lost. And to top that off the miscarriage made me so sick that I had missed two exams and class for almost a whole week. :( Everything was starting to fall apart. What was I to do now? I have never in my life felt so worthless and alone. Poor Kevin. I feel bad that I had these feelings even when he was so very good to me! We grew so close after this hard time. We began focusing more on each other's needs and not just our own. I started to rely more on my Savior and what He can do for me and what His plan for us is.
Since then, we have bought a trailer home of our very own! Even though we won't be needing that extra bedroom for a while, it is still nice to call somewhere home! While buying the trailer Kevin was relayed a full-time job opening here in Laramie that would be great work and pay the bills. He is excited to see if this is what the Lord has in mind for him right now, and I am anxious to see if it is too! I finally feel comfortable in our ward and feel more like my outgoing self again! (It's taken nearly two years now to feel that way). I have started becoming more active with the people around me and am looking forward to the new things headed our way. I am so thankful and blessed to know that the Lord is in charge. He knows what is best for Kevin and me and He will not settle to give us any less than that! Who knows where I would be without that knowledge.
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